Warning: Use of undefined constant THEM_TEMPLATEURL - assumed 'THEM_TEMPLATEURL' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/hosting/prv-hosting/wex.pl/k/e/2f2017piotrek/wp-content/themes/blitzy/functions.php on line 2 Warning: Use of undefined constant THEM_LINKCOLOUR - assumed 'THEM_LINKCOLOUR' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/hosting/prv-hosting/wex.pl/k/e/2f2017piotrek/wp-content/themes/blitzy/functions.php on line 3 Warning: Use of undefined constant THEM_HOVERCOLOUR - assumed 'THEM_HOVERCOLOUR' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/hosting/prv-hosting/wex.pl/k/e/2f2017piotrek/wp-content/themes/blitzy/functions.php on line 4 Warning: Use of undefined constant them_extraCss - assumed 'them_extraCss' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/hosting/prv-hosting/wex.pl/k/e/2f2017piotrek/wp-content/themes/blitzy/functions.php on line 242 Zespół | 2f2017piotrek


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  • Dyrektor ds. marketingu Mścisław Gżegżółka
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  • Zespół wykonawczy składający się z 1000 niezastąpionych pracowników pod przewodnictwem pani dyrektor Kunegundy Źdźbło

Komentowanie wyłączone.

Blitzy Theme & Wordpress PL